The Sustainability Policy has been written to ensure a high level of ethical, sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices with reference to the following material:
- The United Nations – Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
- Bioregionals – One Planet Living framework (OPL)
- ISO 37101:2016 – Sustainable Development in Communities
- ISO 26000 – Guidance on Social Responsibility
- Carbon Trust – Online Assessment
The policy is intended to guide operations, practice and output at all levels to ensure LEDA conducts its business with proper regard to its environmental impact and ensure sustainable practices to the best of its abilities. LEDA uses its considerable knowledge on the subject to make sure that all its activities are monitored and controlled to help create a healthy and sustainable working environment. Alongside this, LEDA recognise that any negative social or environmental impacts as a result of our services or operation cannot be justified or offset by positive contribution.
All members of LEDA hold the responsibility for implementing this policy in day-to-day activities whilst the Practice Manager having overarching responsibility for monitoring and maintaining the operational impact of this policy. Project Leads are responsible for monitoring and maintaining the design impact of this policy throughout the project. In the event that an
Practice Manager is absent, the responsibility will fall upon a nominated member or members, or the membership as a whole.
LEDA aim to be a flag bearer for environmental and sustainable development in both the built environment and the workplace, taking careful consideration to its environmental impact and a “think global, act local approach”. To ensure this, LEDA comply with current legislation as a minimum and work to establish and apply best practice across its activities where possible.
Regular operational and design updates for legal regulations, changes and software upgrades are received and implemented via our membership organisations.
As part of LEDA’s ongoing development and drive to be at forefront of environmental standards, we have revised and updated our Environmental Policy (Environment Policy 2018), incorporating it into our Sustainability Policy, covering a much greater breadth of environmental and sustainable principles to which LEDA adhere.
This is just a Statement. Please see the full and detailed Sustainability Policy Document